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    galling - Dictionary definition and meaning for word galling

    (adj) causing irritation or annoyance
    Example Sentence
    • tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork
    • aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport
    • found it galling to have to ask permission
    • an irritating delay
    • nettlesome paperwork
    • a pesky mosquito
    • swarms of pestering gnats
    • a plaguey newfangled safety catch
    • a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him
    • a vexatious child
    • it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for galling

Galling sounds like "Giving Gali" (Abusing someone) , which is irritating to listen

it is looking like gambling.we are easily getting irritation when we are looking gambling people.

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