• word of the day


    acclivity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word acclivity

    (noun) an upward slope or grade (as in a road)
    Synonyms : ascent , climb , raise , rise , upgrade
    Example Sentence
    • the car couldn't make it up the rise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for acclivity

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if u knwo that cliff is A steep high face of rock, then its easy to remember

ac+cliv+ity....cliv is similar to CLIMB..can relate to the meaning...climbing the steep upslope of a hill

try to look for 'cliff' in this word and cliff means a high, steep face of rock. Also, try to look for elevate (elivity) in this word which also means upslope.

ac+CLIV+ity..cliv= means SLOPE or tendency so an UPWARD SLOPE.

Leviate - rise, a steep rise

clivus in Latin means slope.

spells like activity,activity to climb on an upward slope..

cleavage men gahrai hai, acclivity men chadhai hai

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