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    wilt - Dictionary definition and meaning for word wilt

    (noun) any plant disease characterized by drooping and shriveling; usually caused by parasites attacking the roots
    Synonyms : wilt disease
    (noun) causing to become limp or drooping
    Synonyms : wilting
    (verb) lose strength
    Example Sentence
    • My opponent was wilting
    (verb) become limp
    Synonyms : droop
    Example Sentence
    • The flowers wilted
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wilt

Wilt and tilt sound the same and they both mean, to droop.

Sounds like Will it...will it loose its strength and disclose everything about the conspiracy to us?

It's will to(WILLIT) withstand lossing strength

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

Jus remove 'l' from wilt so its wit..this means knowledge..konwledge is always fresh as new things come in to existance...so WIL(loose)T so loosing knowledge i.e., loosing freshness..Simple!!

wil t...if u r tired den u have to take tea.. I am tired i WIL take T

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