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    unwitting - Dictionary definition and meaning for word unwitting

    (adj) not done with purpose or intent
    Synonyms : unintentional , unplanned
    Example Sentence
    • an unintended slight
    • an unintentional pun
    • the offense was unintentional
    • an unwitting mistake may be overlooked
    (adj) not aware or knowing
    Example Sentence
    • an unwitting subject in an experiment
    (adj) unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge
    Example Sentence
    • he was completely ignorant of the circumstances
    • an unknowledgeable assistant
    • his rudeness was unwitting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unwitting

wit is knowledge. Witting means knowing something.UN(not)WITTING(knowing something)

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Unwitting and Discerning are similar in sound but opposite in meaning. While unwitting means ignorant, discerning means to perceive with the mind or senses (only someone clever has the power to think).

made witty remark un intentional and not knowing he is ur friend

Word used in video below:
text: unwitting she's just lovely how pretty
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