• word of the day


    uncouth - Dictionary definition and meaning for word uncouth

    (adj) lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
    Synonyms : coarse , common , rough-cut , vulgar
    Example Sentence
    • he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
    • behavior that branded him as common
    • an untutored and uncouth human being
    • an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy
    • appealing to the vulgar taste for violence
    • the vulgar display of the newly rich
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for uncouth

UNCOUTH - UN(not)-C(courteous)-OUTH(youth)

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COUTH sounds like COURT so a court always supports ethic. So a person is said UNCOUTH if he does UNETHICAL things something like SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE THINGS

un mouth... (speech - mouth)

sounds like UNCOUCH..a person who doesn't(un) sit on the couch is uncultured..

un-COW-th youth herding cows n buffaloes, lives in village hence outlandish, ill mannered

Uncouth...uncouth + youth... the uncouth youth, an unrefined, boorish young man.

un mouth ~ jo apna moo na band rakh sakey ~ boorish

UN(not) wearing cloth(COUTH) means lacks culture

un mouth -> opened the mouth and gave vulgar & clumsy talk.

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