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    throttle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word throttle

    (noun) a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine Definition
    (noun) a pedal that controls the throttle valve
    Example Sentence
    • he stepped on the gas
    (verb) place limits on (extent or access)
    Synonyms : bound , confine , limit , restrain , restrict , trammel
    Example Sentence
    • restrict the use of this parking lot
    • limit the time you can spend with your friends
    (verb) kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air
    Synonyms : strangle , strangulate
    Example Sentence
    • he tried to strangle his opponent
    • A man in Boston has been strangling several dozen prostitutes
    (verb) reduce the air supply
    Synonyms : choke
    Example Sentence
    • choke a carburetor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for throttle

throttle rhymes with THROAT KILL, it means to KILL BY SQUEEZING THE THROAT.

THROTTLE=THROAT +BOTTLE....imagine you got up at nite to drink water from your BOTTLE when suddenly a pair of hands come out of the wall and try to STRANGLE YOU...bhooooot(ghost)!!!.............;)

throt+tle....strabgling of throat...will stop the air to come in..or will cause problem while breathing...regulate the speed of something by strangling the important part of sth...if someone strangle the throat..life is stooped..or speed of life is r

Throttle is to Strangle someone until she/he runs out of breath and falls down dead.

Charles's angels- full "throttle"

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