• word of the day


    spendthrift - Dictionary definition and meaning for word spendthrift

    (noun) someone who spends money prodigally
    Synonyms : scattergood , spend-all , spender
    (adj) recklessly wasteful
    Example Sentence
    • prodigal in their expenditures
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for spendthrift

Spendthrift is actually a misnomer...split it as SPEND+THRIFT. Thrifty means, careful use of resources, so a spendthrift should actually mean someone who carefully spends money, but it means SOMEONE WHO WASTES MONEY.

Spend+thirst=Some1 who is thirsty for spending money

SPell the END of THRIFTiness. A Spendthrift may have been thrifty once, but now he isn't.

ORIGIN : SPENDTHRIFT = SPEND + THRIFT(SAVINGS) SO it means who spend the savings.

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Thrift is from the word thrive (ie. prosper). A spendthrift is someone who thrives on spending money

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