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    sinewy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sinewy

    (adj) (of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew
    Synonyms : fibrous , stringy , unchewable
    (adj) consisting of tendons or resembling a tendon
    Synonyms : tendinous
    (adj) (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful
    Synonyms : brawny , hefty , muscular , powerful
    Example Sentence
    • a hefty athlete
    • a muscular boxer
    • powerful arms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sinewy

sounds like "sunny" deol who is muscular and strong.

sounds like SIN WAVE, one period of sin wave looks like a strong bicept

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Have you ever seen biceps of a muscular man? How does they look? Don't they look like Sine Wave? Sinewy (Sine Wave Biceps) means Muscular.

Like 'sine' in maths(trigonometry) - which was tough to understand at first

Sinewy also sounds like Shiney - The maid rapist actor, apart from being evil he is also a Muscular guy. Sinewy means Muscular. :)

SINEWY - very MANLY, BURLY, HUSKY - Somebody who is able-bodied, muscular, strong.

sinewy - SINfully HEAVY, ewy sounds like heavy.


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