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    flinch - Dictionary definition and meaning for word flinch

    (noun) a reflex response to sudden pain
    Synonyms : wince
    (verb) draw back, as with fear or pain
    Synonyms : cringe , funk , quail , recoil , shrink , squinch , wince
    Example Sentence
    • she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flinch

sounds like pinch , when you pinch, the skin flinches.

U FLINCH to pinch someone

in FLINstones, the guy used to MOVE BACK COZ OF FEAR coz of his pet DINO

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F - LINCH = Fear of Pinch

Word used in video below:
text: flinch i would find the prospect of a
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