• word of the day


    apposite - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apposite

    (adj) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
    Synonyms : apt , pertinent
    Example Sentence
    • the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images
    • an apt reply
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apposite

apposite=> opposite of OPPOSITE i.e. perfectly matched; appropriate; most suitable

appropriate site

apposite = a (not) + opposite ; hence not opposite = appropriate.

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"application on site" that is fitting something appropriately on the site...

remember with opposite,

apposite=app(APT)+posite(POSITION),,,,,,,,it means apt position that is APPROPRIATE position

apposite reminds of opposite which means reverse etc so apposite can be taken to be opposite of opposite ie.,meaning exactly equal,exact fit,appropriate

APPOSITE --opposite of opposite. appropriate

an APP 4 Apple iPad which is rated POSITIVEly is an APPOSITE app

APPOSITE<===> उचित (pr. \\uchit \\ )[Adjective] Example:Do not deviate from the apposite topic of discussion . In this context it would be quite apposite to say that our policy is up to the mark .

apposite ~ opposite size; I need a small size shirt, and it's opposite (big size) and hence not suitable (appropriate) for me.

apposite = app. (application) + o + site, application on site is always most suitable.

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