• word of the day


    obfuscate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word obfuscate

    (verb) make obscure or unclear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obfuscate

ob (ab---now) FUSCATE = fuss + create To deliberately create a fuss about an issue to make it hard to understand and hard to understand.

obFUScate-- same as conFUSe

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ob(vieously)+fus(fuss).+CATE(CREATE)...protest against the english movie created fuss in theater, as it was unclear to people that the movie will begin or not.

If you can't solve a confusing problem you say "AHH.. FUCK IT" and move on

Fuse bulb put you in dark now.

a confuse create

OBstruct the VIEWS (fus) from CATE so she becomes confused and distracted.

Etymologically, Latin obfuscare, from ob- + fuscare (“darken”).

O is it a fus(fungus) cake, cause confusion

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