• word of the day


    insuperable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word insuperable

    (adj) impossible to surmount
    Synonyms : insurmountable
    (adj) incapable of being surmounted or excelled
    Synonyms : unconquerable
    Example Sentence
    • insuperable odds
    • insuperable heroes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insuperable

the root SUPER reminds us of superman, who is unbeatable

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Insuperable has IN, SUPER, ABLE in it. IN means 'not', SUPER means 'over'(root). If you are NOT ABLE to get OVER something, it's insuperable.

if you go IN SUPERmans costume in the fancy dress compition..then u will be ABLE to command respect amongst children as they shall treat you as INSURMOUNTABLE=UNBEATABLE....:D..

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