• word of the day


    negate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word negate

    (verb) be in contradiction with
    Synonyms : belie , contradict
    (verb) deny the truth of
    Synonyms : contradict , contravene
    (verb) prove negative; show to be false
    Synonyms : contradict
    (verb) make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
    Synonyms : neutralise , neutralize , nullify
    Example Sentence
    • Her optimism neutralizes his gloom
    • This action will negate the effect of my efforts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for negate

ne=no + gate=door, so there is no entrance through that door

NO gate so No existence...wtf!!

negate sounds similar to negotiate,,,cancel out

negate sounds like negotiate, so nullify

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