• word of the day


    contravene - Dictionary definition and meaning for word contravene

    (verb) go against, as of rules and laws
    Synonyms : conflict , infringe , run afoul
    Example Sentence
    • He ran afoul of the law
    • This behavior conflicts with our rules
    (verb) deny the truth of
    Synonyms : contradict , negate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contravene

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contravene is like intervene..so opposing

contra + vinu(hear) = opposite to what u hear

Contradict + Intervene

contravene = contraverse

CONTRAVENE...CON(not)+INTERVENE..intervene means to take part in somethin and contravene means oppose...if you do,t take part in something, it means that you are opposing it........

Contra-vene, relate vene to weiner; weiner = slang for penis(dick) so you get contra-dick = contradict

i remember the game Contra we used to play, it used to violate and oppose all rules and stood strong against enemies!

Contradict to Convention

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