• word of the day


    belie - Dictionary definition and meaning for word belie

    (verb) be in contradiction with
    Synonyms : contradict , negate
    (verb) represent falsely
    Synonyms : misrepresent
    Example Sentence
    • This statement misrepresents my intentions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for belie

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belie has lie.

belie ~ lie means something false.

be(make) lie. IF you make lies you will negate (or misrepresent) the truth.

belies - what lies behind is something false, than what appears on the outlook.

read as be + lier

BELIE means to try to convince someone to BELIEve a LIE.

be-lie = Below lies something else, you have a false impression

if someone belies the facts , he is presenting a LIE BEfore you

The "Bee" "lied" that he doesn't sting people when he has killed over 1 million people.

Lie about someone's being - belie

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