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    mince - Dictionary definition and meaning for word mince

    (noun) food chopped into small bits
    Example Sentence
    • a mince of mushrooms
    (verb) make less severe or harsh
    Synonyms : moderate , soften
    Example Sentence
    • He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears
    (verb) walk daintily
    Example Sentence
    • She minced down the street
    (verb) cut into small pieces
    Example Sentence
    • mince the garlic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mince

mincesounds like mice which takes tiny steps to go anywhere and nce(nice)or speak nicely or carefuly to larger people

mince - mice running.. bcoz she is small her steps r small too.. n she is swift ( SMALL steps + SWIFT)

Word used in video below:
text: and mince pie have gone he's only left
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