• word of the day


    belligerent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word belligerent

    (noun) someone who fights (or is fighting)
    Synonyms : battler , combatant , fighter , scrapper
    (adj) characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight
    Synonyms : aggressive
    Example Sentence
    • aggressive acts against another country
    • a belligerent tone
    (adj) engaged in war
    Synonyms : militant , war-ridden , warring
    Example Sentence
    • belligerent (or warring) nations
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belli (TOM) and gerry always quarrel in TOM and GERRY cartoon.

Just relate it wid another GRE word-- BELLICOSE

Just remember Bully from the word belligerent...the character of a bully is to be harsh and aggressive.

BELI/BEL MEANS FIGHT.QUARREL .+gerenT(generation)....THE LAST TWO GENERATION of this family have been QUARRELSOME

belligeren = belly, the belly of a girl always cause the fight or may be war

children FOUGHT with one another for jelly BELLY chocalate :p

In TOM&GERRY story gerry always knocks the doorbell and make tom aggressive which leads to war

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