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    oblivion - Dictionary definition and meaning for word oblivion

    (noun) the state of being disregarded or forgotten
    Synonyms : limbo
    (noun) total forgetfulness
    Synonyms : obliviousness
    Example Sentence
    • he sought the great oblivion of sleep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for oblivion

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Oblivion= OB+ BLI + VION ="absolute blind vision" of forgetting important things/matters

think of oil livon so when u message your head with livon u forget everything

O+bli-nk+vi(s)ion:- reminds of blink vision,when u forget something it's like blink vision of past.

key live new forgot live things ===ob(against)+live=forgetfulness

o bad incident leave on (forget completely)

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