• word of the day


    garrulous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word garrulous

    (adj) full of trivial conversation
    Synonyms : chatty , gabby , loquacious , talkative , talky
    Example Sentence
    • kept from her housework by gabby neighbors
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for garrulous

(garrulous can be related to girls when pronounced)and girls talk more than boys

"Girls, rule us!" They rule us in their ability to talk non-stop about nonsensical matter...

sounds like careless... means careless chatter

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GARbage-like and unRULy non-stop chatter.

garrulous... think of a "gorilla".. and now think of a fat gorrila like person who chats a lot.!!!and sucks a lot

it can remembered as girls are less because they talk nonsense!!

gaer(unknown people) logo se baat karti hai, garrulous girl.

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