• word of the day


    flaccid - Dictionary definition and meaning for word flaccid

    (adj) drooping without elasticity; wanting in stiffness
    Example Sentence
    • a flaccid penis
    (adj) out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance
    Synonyms : flabby , soft
    Example Sentence
    • he was too soft for the army
    • flabby around the middle
    • flaccid cheeks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flaccid

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sounds like flexi that is flexible

faila(to spread)+ acid(accid)...so ven d acid spreads it ll corrode things nd ll make dem soft nd flexible.....

flaccid = "flacci" <- fleshy you are so fleshy that you are flabby ,, :)

who doesnt love flaccid breast ;) soft and weak

Sounds like "placid" (calm)

FLACCID == If you put Plastic in ACID it becomes weak, and loses firmness

FLAt and FLAbby

Flawed accid i.e. acid lacking in strength, vigor or energy. Acid which is not solid and firm

flacid -> placid-> Dhilla

your dick in flaccid state measures *** centimeters :P....

flag(grow feeble)+acid=no longer strong(flaccid)

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