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    sear - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sear

    (verb) make very hot and dry
    Synonyms : scorch
    Example Sentence
    • The heat scorched the countryside
    (verb) become superficially burned
    Synonyms : scorch , singe
    Example Sentence
    • my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames
    (verb) burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color
    Synonyms : blacken , char , scorch
    Example Sentence
    • The cook blackened the chicken breast
    • The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece
    • the flames scorched the ceiling
    (verb) cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat
    Synonyms : parch
    Example Sentence
    • The sun parched the earth
    (adj) (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture
    Example Sentence
    • dried-up grass
    • the desert was edged with sere vegetation
    • shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings
    • withered vines
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sear

SEAR rhymes with TEAR. When you BURN your hand you are in tears.

sear sounds like shear..we can burn any surface by applying lots of shear force.

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sear gives you a scar

sear:see+her: in the temple while taking haarathi i saw a gorgeous girl, meanwhile my hand got superficially burned as i was looking at her with out taking off my hand over haarathi flame!!

SEAR because of FIRE

try this spoonerism for remembering "sri Hanuman seared down Sri lanka"

sear --- see(sea) her(r)-- See her,she has covered her face because of burns.

sear the ear by thinking its a phone receiver... lolll

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