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    figment - Dictionary definition and meaning for word figment

    (noun) a contrived or fantastic idea
    Example Sentence
    • a figment of the imagination
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for figment

"figure+mental" so the figures in ur mind are "imaginary"... ur "thoughts" or "ideas"....

Figment > Pigment; When you envisage, you use unlimited colors.

figment sound som wat lik filament... of bulb.... was an INVENTION by Thomas Alwa Edison.....may be this mnemonic helps u....

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

injured ligament needs a figment of medical science to be cured...

figment: contrive,design artificially etc figure maintain karane keliye kareen figment[design,plan]/contrives new idea

figment is something imaginary.think that you made a figure(fig) from your menatal.

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