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    ephemeral - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ephemeral

    (noun) anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
    Synonyms : ephemeron
    (adj) lasting a very short time
    Example Sentence
    • the ephemeral joys of childhood
    • a passing fancy
    • youth's transient beauty
    • love is transitory but it is eternal
    • fugacious blossoms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ephemeral

sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral is SHORT

'fermi' is a very small secientific unit [10 ^(-15)] So think of fremi second with ephemeral (e-phermi-real)

elephant+marela hai..he lived short! :|

sounds similar to epidural, which would make giving birth go by much quicker

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epHEMeral contains the word HEMI, which means half. (It takes half or a shorter time)

apheme (which is a drug) ka nasha bahut hi ephemeral hota hai

ephemeral sounds like effervescence...which is momentary bubbling of a gas

PERENNIAL-lasting for a long time....perennial rivers which carry water round the year..EPHEMERAL rivers..which carry water for a short period

ephemeral = if(ep) he murder( mer) all, if the the cat is able to murder the rates then rats life will be short span.

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