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    eccentric - Dictionary definition and meaning for word eccentric

    (noun) a person with an unusual or odd personality
    Synonyms : eccentric person , flake , geek , oddball
    (noun) a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)
    Synonyms : case , character , type
    Example Sentence
    • a real character
    • a strange character
    • a friendly eccentric
    • the capable type
    • a mental case
    (adj) conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
    Example Sentence
    • restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
    • famed for his eccentric spelling
    • a freakish combination of styles
    • his off-the-wall antics
    • the outlandish clothes of teenagers
    • outre and affected stage antics
    (adj) not having a common center; not concentric
    Synonyms : nonconcentric
    Example Sentence
    • eccentric circles
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ec(x)-centric(normal): going away from the center that is departing from the norms

eccentric- resembles x-centric..assume x centric as before centric,like x-wife. anything b4 centric is x centric,and b4 centric ,it is irregular and odd in shape.

eccentric- ex-center>> It's ODD to see your ex being the center of attraction among your pals.

ec(ex) center .. its odd/irregular to see an ex(or one more) center for circle..

eccentric:One(EC) cent rick from rice centre is called eccentric.

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text: eccentric if by eccentric you mean
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