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    ductile - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ductile

    (adj) easily influenced
    Synonyms : malleable
    (adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
    Synonyms : malleable , pliable , pliant , tensile , tractile
    Example Sentence
    • ductile copper
    • malleable metals such as gold
    • they soaked the leather to made it pliable
    • pliant molten glass
    • made of highly tensile steel alloy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ductile

Imagine a metal rod. If this rod containing a duct (a small tunnel) it will be more flexible (ductile)

Relate with Reptile (Snake) which can make itself coiled because of its flexibility to bend.

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duct(MEANS PULL)....so something which is esily pulled into ANY SHAPE is DUCTILE.

Emphasize the "tile" from ductile:- tile which is hard,cant be bend or shaped. So ductile is opposite to tile i.e., easily moulded ,shaped,influenced.

Duct tapes are flexible.

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