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    pliable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pliable

    (adj) susceptible to being led or directed
    Synonyms : fictile
    Example Sentence
    • fictile masses of people ripe for propaganda
    (adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
    Synonyms : ductile , malleable , pliant , tensile , tractile
    Example Sentence
    • ductile copper
    • malleable metals such as gold
    • they soaked the leather to made it pliable
    • pliant molten glass
    • made of highly tensile steel alloy
    (adj) able to adjust readily to different conditions
    Synonyms : elastic , flexible , pliant
    Example Sentence
    • an adaptable person
    • a flexible personality
    • an elastic clause in a contract
    (adj) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
    Synonyms : bendable , pliant , waxy
    Example Sentence
    • a flexible wire
    • a pliant young tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pliable

PLIER is a tool which is used for bending and twisting materials without breaking them. Therefore, PLIER operates on materials which are PLIABLE.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

pliable means liable to change

pliable sounds like applyable which can be applied anywhere that means flexible, adaptable

plie-Plough(for farming) hence this rhymes with plougable...

pliable:- By application of power or force it liable or bound to change.

Pliable - Play-able we can flexibly play with it

pli+able... pli sounds as fly means we are able to fly only when we are not stubborn

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