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    crass - Dictionary definition and meaning for word crass

    (adj) (of persons) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for crass

Just remember grass which is unrefined and grows here and there, crass is also unrefined, not urbane.

crass reminds grass.. so grass eating animals have unrefined behavior.

it is CRASS.hence lacks CLASS..

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seems like GROSS

crASS == ASS, an unrefined person as an ass.

Crass..Grass(weed).smoking weed is dangerous just because its unrefined..

crass...very near to hindi word ras.nahi anna (means something which you dont like)......unrefined behaviour of somepeople mujhe rass nahi aata...means i dont like thier behaviour.

remember grass. grass is unrefined until it goes to refinery where it is refined and new products are made out of it.

crass resembles brass..brass is an alloy and has even some other metal compositions other than copper also..so brass is unrefined..and so is crass

crass = criminal ass is always dirty.

imagine crass is a kind of wild grasss which grows here and there undiscriminatingly. It is also rhymes with gross and is without a sense of class. it is opposite of brass which reminds us of classy polished behaviour

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