• word of the day


    detrimental - Dictionary definition and meaning for word detrimental

    (adj) (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury
    Example Sentence
    • damaging to career and reputation
    • the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for detrimental

look at the part MENTAL...a MENTAL person can cause serious harm or injury when violent.

de-TRY-MENTAL...DON'T TRY anything with MENTAL fellow, he may be DANGEROUS and HARMFUL...

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detrimental word is like experimental. wen u are doin the Experiment, then it is obviously harmful to everyone.

De+tri+mental.. person with tri(three) mental(mental states).. a case of split personality.. can be harmful.. (remember ajay devgan in sme movie!?)

the(de)+three(tri)+mental-> three mental damaging and harmful

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