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    barbarian - Dictionary definition and meaning for word barbarian

    (noun) a member of an uncivilized people
    Synonyms : savage
    (noun) a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement
    Synonyms : boor , churl , goth , peasant , tike , tyke
    (adj) without civilizing influences
    Example Sentence
    • barbarian invaders
    • barbaric practices
    • a savage people
    • fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient
    • wild tribes
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Relate it with Barber. Thus Barbarian => Barber + None, hence one who doesn't have a barber and hence not civilized.

Bar+Bar+ian= Vo Darinda ek hi kaam bar-bar karta hai, joote padne vale hai uske

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