• word of the day


    amusing - Dictionary definition and meaning for word amusing

    (adj) providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining
    Synonyms : amusive , diverting
    Example Sentence
    • an amusing speaker
    • a diverting story
    (adj) arousing or provoking laughter
    Synonyms : comic , comical , funny , laughable , mirthful , risible
    Example Sentence
    • an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls
    • an amusing fellow
    • a comic hat
    • a comical look of surprise
    • funny stories that made everybody laugh
    • a very funny writer
    • it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much
    • a mirthful experience
    • risible courtroom antics

Word used in video below:
text: you know some might find it amusing i
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