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    allude - Dictionary definition and meaning for word allude

    (verb) make a more or less disguised reference to
    Synonyms : advert , touch
    Example Sentence
    • He alluded to the problem but did not mention it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allude

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all+nude for a girl is not safe.so she refer that indirectly to her BF.

All-u-Did.Imagine some one scolding a group of people but his eyes were only on one person REFER INDIRECTLY that everything was done by him.-all-u-did.-

ALL+NUDE....when you see all people nude,it HINTS that you have come to a wrong place...

allude sounds similar to a lewd,meaning a philanderer.so yu dont refer someone a lewd directly,u REFER INDIRECTLY

Sounds like allusion ~ illusion which means indirect reference.

allu + ud:allu ko gesture(indirectly kehna) se kehna ud jaa nahi to sabjiwala tuze katega.

ALLUDI gariki we cant directly we have to say indirectly

allude is similar to "allure" which is to trap or lure...so we can make up a line "all dudes" are allured into trap by refering a place indirectly.. this mnemonic if for those who knows the meaning of allure

allude= all+ u+ do refering indisrectly to every thing you do.

ALLUDE<===> संकेत करना (pr. \\sanaket karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:He alluded to the problem but did not mention it. ALLUDE<===> ज़िक्र करना (pr. \\jaikr karana \\ )[Noun]

illusion and allusion!

Not to be RUDE, so you allude.

"Allude" is a rule in talking something bad about others.

" Am I Allowed to Allude to this Allusion in the meeting?? "

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