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    waspish - Dictionary definition and meaning for word waspish

    (adj) very irritable
    Synonyms : bristly , prickly , splenetic
    Example Sentence
    • bristly exchanges between the White House and the press
    • he became prickly and spiteful
    • witty and waspish about his colleagues
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waspish

WAS+PEEsh....a dog was peeing on my bike which was very irritating

Waspish-(was+pissed); when he was pissed,i felt very irritable by looking at him

(Wasp)ish <--> poisonous...wasps have poison

was+pish - It was poisonous[pish].

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WASPISH.. wasps.. they sting you.. the area starts to IRRITATE and rashes appear..

waspish can be heard like "was fish".fish will contain nails which makes person irritable as that of rude behavoir

wasp apke naak ke ass paas mandaraye to aap IRRITATE hoge

WAS + PEACE earlier but now its irritating.

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