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    ultimatum - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ultimatum

    (noun) a final peremptory demand
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ultimatum

Ultimatum...Utimate + Term (condition). These are the ultimate terms and conditions that have to be met...this is the final ultimatum.

ultimatum - you might have seen the movie Bourne Ultimatum where the protogonist, Bourne, demands for his provenance...and gives last warning for his enemies

ulti + madam = superior madam . think of ur madam in school. she is very strict and WARNS even for silly things. ( haary potters teacher or madam)

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

last demand, last warning, last statement of conditions that must be met to be in hostel all must wash the tea mat um.(ul+t(tea)+mat+um)

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