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    topple - Dictionary definition and meaning for word topple

    (verb) fall down, as if collapsing
    Synonyms : tumble
    Example Sentence
    • The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it
    (verb) cause to topple or tumble by pushing
    Synonyms : tip , tumble
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for topple

One Who TIPPLES(Search for the meaning i'm not givin it here) naturally TOPPLES

TOPPLE and STUMBLE have a similar sound and they both mean, to trip and fall over.

Top +Ful (topple),One hut was near a big tree and a huge fruit(fal) fell on it from top and the hut collapsed.

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if u throw a person from the 'top' of the building he will definitely FALL DOWN...

topple is similar to toggle which means unsteady state(0 or 1 state in binary form )

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