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    testator - Dictionary definition and meaning for word testator

    (noun) a person who makes a will
    Synonyms : testate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for testator

testator (or) testate: here from testate take estate and tor from testator.here tor represents a person so person having estates definetly makes a will so that estate will go to his heirs

test+at+or(your)own will so do you want to give test its ur own will

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Testator - change the word Testat into state and add success to or.. The TEstator States his will to his successOR.

One who TESTS the SUCCESSOR for a fortune - TEST - ATOR

parents will transfer all their properties to their children before death. such an act is called testator = THE + STATOR (stater).

testate (will)from latin root testor means testify.. during that time making will was not a same process like today, they used witness(testis) in place of stamp paper

Testator takes testimonies from the dying person to make the will

you hav a will to become a doctor..so 1st you hav to write a test..

person who make a will to score good marks in a test called testator

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