• word of the day


    stanch - Dictionary definition and meaning for word stanch

    (verb) stop the flow of a liquid
    Synonyms : halt , staunch , stem
    Example Sentence
    • staunch the blood flow
    • stem the tide
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stanch

stanch = ST(op)+AN(d)+CH(eck)

staunch is determinate,unmovable.Stanch(verb) is to make blood unmovable.

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S(stop)TANCH(tank):- Stop the tank of water

stanch - stand or stop the drench ( liquid pouring )

stanch - make the flow to stand and to be checked

Reminds me of Starch. Starch will definitely stop water from flowing around. Hehe...

putting STop to blood drA(e)nCH

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