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    skimp - Dictionary definition and meaning for word skimp

    (verb) work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
    Synonyms : scant
    (verb) limit in quality or quantity
    Synonyms : scant
    (verb) subsist on a meager allowance
    Synonyms : scrimp , stint
    Example Sentence
    • scratch and scrimp
    (verb) supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
    Synonyms : scant , stint
    Example Sentence
    • sting with the allowance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for skimp

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skimp (less than required) clothes of kim sharma (bollywood actress)

one who skips things (meals,etc...)

a pimp provides women with less clothing. ie he provides scantily.

People tend to skip meals when forced to skimp on necessities

skimp = ski-p + m for money; skip money. Always a skinflint.

skimp has kim, remember it as 'kum' [In Hindi thoda sa].

if a whore skips a pimp then she has to live her life very economically

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