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    servile - Dictionary definition and meaning for word servile

    (adj) submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior
    Example Sentence
    • spoke in a servile tone
    • the incurably servile housekeeper
    • servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work
    (adj) relating to or involving slaves or appropriate for slaves or servants
    Example Sentence
    • Brown's attempt at servile insurrection
    • the servile wars of Sicily
    • servile work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for servile

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sounds like "SERVE" while serving you have to be submissive, or keep your head down.

servent like......easy?

servants should be SERVILE else they will be out of their job. servile= to be servable, submissive , patient even when put into humiliation

SERVILE and DOCILE which are rhyming words also have the same meaning. The words refer to someone who is excessively submissive.

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