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    scaffold - Dictionary definition and meaning for word scaffold

    (noun) a platform from which criminals are executed (hanged or beheaded) Definition
    (noun) a temporary arrangement erected around a building for convenience of workers Definition
    (verb) provide with a scaffold for support
    Example Sentence
    • scaffold the building before painting it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for scaffold

SCAFFOLD rhymes with staff + hold...think of a TEMPORARY place or PLATFORM for the staff.

involves "FOLD" which ever is temporary we keep it fold..

For Prison Break fans. Michael Scofield comes to avoid the execution of his brother.

scafFOLD - Something which can be FOLDED and relocated to another place is a temporary arrangement.

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SCAFFOLD or GALLOWS - a guillotine where people are hanged.

scaffold: s+cafe+old= the cafe is very old and the owner is rejuvenating it, so the workers had started the work forming a temporary structure of wodden pole support around the building to cement its walls again for the strength

S+caff(caugh)+hold: to keep hold the caugh temporary masks were given

think of FOLD in scafFOLD anything foldable is TEMPORARY

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text: her with a more enticing scaffold
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