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    reverberate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word reverberate

    (verb) ring or echo with sound
    Synonyms : echo , resound , ring
    Example Sentence
    • the hall resounded with laughter
    (verb) have a long or continuing effect
    Example Sentence
    • The discussions with my teacher reverberated throughout my adult life
    (verb) be reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves
    Example Sentence
    • the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building
    (verb) to throw or bend back (from a surface)
    Synonyms : reflect
    Example Sentence
    • Sound is reflected well in this auditorium
    (verb) spring back; spring away from an impact
    Example Sentence
    • The rubber ball bounced
    • These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide
    (verb) treat, process, heat, melt, or refine in a reverberatory furnace
    Example Sentence
    • reverberate ore
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reverberate

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re+vibrate(echo) again and again

re+verb+e+rate—verb is related to words, REVERBERATE means REPEATING WORDS, like an ECHO

reverberate : echo,resound split the word like rever + berate and read rever as river aagar kisko river ke baaju me khade raheko berate[scold] kiya to puri valley me ussko echo aaayega aur resound reverberate hoga wo sound

re-verb-arate : verb is an action. so repeat the action -

re + verbal + rate >>> when we shout in between mountains, the sound ECHOES with a certain rate...

reverberate = re + verbal + rate; repeatedly using voice.

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