• word of the day


    reprobation - Dictionary definition and meaning for word reprobation

    (noun) rejection by God; the state of being condemned to eternal misery in Hell Definition
    (noun) severe disapproval
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprobation

refer to the its opposite word approbation .. which means approval

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re + probation when you again and again put something in probation(disapproval) so it mean severe disapproval

just focus on re(means again)+prob..(probe..means to investigate....) so if someone tries to probe into the past affairs which are of no benefit to people .......people starts criticizing such kind of probing

reprobation...split it like reprob+tion.....reprob sounds like REPROVE........think you are reprove of your friends plan.....so you are strongly critizing him....you want to disapporve what he thinks is right......

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