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    renege - Dictionary definition and meaning for word renege

    (noun) the mistake of not following suit when able to do so
    Synonyms : revoke
    (verb) fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
    Example Sentence
    • She backed out of her promise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for renege

renege : made of re+nege nege is a root for negative, go negative on ones own said words, which is the meaning.

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renege seems lke rehne de.. so rehne de promise mat kar coz i the end you will renege it or sumthng

RENEGADE is a traitor of a country.. RENEGE is a traitor of his own words..

renege sounds like re-regage:when u want to re-engage it means that u ve denied ur previous engagement

renew your age. Go back on your commitment with nature

Ren(Renounce)+ ege(agreement)...go back on commitment,promise

re + neg. relate re to say + negative. negative of the words you say.

re-nege=nege sounds like "nahi"...denying

Pungent: pun-gent: (pun) rhymes with (non) and (gent) rhymes with gentle. It means not gentle or sharp/strong: pungent criticism; pungent cheese.

n + age >>> ladkiyan hameinsha aapana age chupati hai... DENY their age

renege: re(reply) + nege(negative):- When she was asked for marriage the answer was negative, so left her find out new girls for marriage.

renege = rene ( credit) + ge; I am credited at ge for their car loan.

RENEGE = RE + NEGATIVE = NEGATIVE AGAIN = He is negative again infront of people, as he failed to keep his promise

renege= Re Negotiate. {After the agreement, they renegotiated and reneged on their pledge}

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