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    rapacious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rapacious

    (adj) living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey
    Example Sentence
    • a predatory bird
    • the rapacious wolf
    • raptorial birds
    • ravening wolves
    • a vulturine taste for offal
    (adj) excessively greedy and grasping
    Synonyms : ravening , voracious
    Example Sentence
    • a rapacious divorcee on the prowl
    • ravening creditors
    • paying taxes to voracious governments
    (adj) devouring or craving food in great quantities
    Example Sentence
    • edacious vultures
    • a rapacious appetite
    • ravenous as wolves
    • voracious sharks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rapacious

'Rapacious' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body! & also take forcefully

rapa+cious....FOCUS ON FIRST PART..rapid.....and we eat very rapidly when are hungry and want to consume lot of food......simillarly you talk RAPIDLY..when you want to say many things at once..talkative.person does this...

read rapacious as rupeecious so a person who is greedy must have rupees on his mind.

Rapacious!Sounds like someone who wants to rape voisciusly

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