• word of the day


    rambunctious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rambunctious

    (adj) noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline
    Example Sentence
    • a boisterous crowd
    • a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand
    • a robustious group of teenagers
    • beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings
    • an unruly class
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rambunctious

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sounds like RAM(god)+ BHAKT(disciple)....in ramleela there were too many ram bhakt..so the place became rambunctious

rambo+bunch+tious what is the property of a bunch of rambos(as in the movie RAMBO) =noisy quaelling and out of hand

ram+bun+ctious=ram cried for bun noisly as he is out of discipline

ram+bun+ctious=ram cried for bun noisly as he is out of discipline

"Rambo" + "Anxious" Rambo on becoming anxious become to noisy to handle.

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