• word of the day


    prostrate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word prostrate

    (verb) get into a prostrate position, as in submission
    Synonyms : bow down
    (verb) render helpless or defenseless
    Example Sentence
    • They prostrated the enemy
    (verb) throw down flat, as on the ground
    Example Sentence
    • She prostrated herself with frustration
    (adj) stretched out and lying at full length along the ground
    Synonyms : flat
    Example Sentence
    • found himself lying flat on the floor
    (adj) lying face downward
    Synonyms : prone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prostrate

pro+strate...lay straight on the ground If prostrate glands are removed, male will be enervated. just to remember

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Prostrate can be broken into PRO(Forward) + STRATE( sounds Straight)...i.e. stretch forward.

Pro+STRATE== Pro means in favour of and one who is in favour of STREIGHT WAR will be laid down

NFS prostrate where our car eneravtes and streches 2 ground

Remember this way..Prostrate cancer is not curable, so doctors are exhausted finding cure and are rendering their helplessness.

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