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    pristine - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pristine

    (adj) completely free from dirt or contamination
    Example Sentence
    • pristine mountain snow
    (adj) immaculately clean and unused
    Example Sentence
    • handed her his pristine white handkerchief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pristine

sounds like priest(ine) means pertaining to priests which is to remain in pure state.

pristine; fresh teen,a virgin!!!

pri(pre)+tine(time) "purana zamana"....so characteristics of earlier times..

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PRE+EINSTEIN: pertaining to earliest times, viz before einstein

pristine ~ PRINT and FIRST. First printed books are fresh and clean.

sounds as listerine, that keeps our mouth clean....

Pristina is virgin.

a PRIEST maintains no STAINS in his surroundings i.e.,pure

Priest are of pure soul

PRI+STINE->PRE + STAIN..anything before getting stained is clean

Hindi- Pustaine Haveli - imagine one that is maintained - characteristic of earlier times; primitive, unspoiled

Word used in video below:
text: and down until they are pristine
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