• word of the day


    ostracism - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ostracism

    (noun) the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent)
    Synonyms : banishment , coventry
    Example Sentence
    • the association should get rid of its elderly members--not by euthanasia, of course, but by Coventry
    (noun) the act of excluding someone from society by general consent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ostracism

O-ST-Racisim. in Olden days ST faced Racisim. Which means they faced excluion from social acceptance

oust+racism... in racism oust a caste

ostracism sounds like ostrich...an ostrich is known to bury her face in the mud and thinking others can't see her if she cant see them! so an ostrich is a social outcast

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