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    nostrum - Dictionary definition and meaning for word nostrum

    (noun) hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists
    Synonyms : catholicon , cure-all , panacea
    (noun) patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nostrum

put RUM in the NOSTrils.....to cure cold.... ? - questionable medicine

key NOSE-DRUM when i took nedicine my nose took the shpa eof drum than i asked myslf was this the right medicine th i took ===="questionable"

Remember by nostradamus: A mysterious fortune teller (who can cure all the ailments)

NOSTRum : NO STRONG( not a strong medicine)

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Nose became like a drum because of this nostrum and the idea to take this medicine for the problem did not succeed.

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