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    nautical - Dictionary definition and meaning for word nautical

    (adj) relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
    Synonyms : marine , maritime
    Example Sentence
    • nautical charts
    • maritime law
    • marine insurance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nautical

nau+tical....nau in hindi means BOAT...so nautical is pertaining to ships or navigation

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aero nautical = related to aeroplanes (in air);nautical= related to ships(in water)

Nautica mile is a metric for distance. 1 nautical mile = 1.85200 kilometers.

By Root : Nautes means sailor. Nautical - Sailor mainly in ships.

"sexy nautical girls are naughty sailor girls who have sailed the world and pirated the sea of men."

knot the cal(stone) to turn the shape -> (nautical)

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