• word of the day


    inured - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inured

    (adj) made tough by habitual exposure
    Synonyms : enured , hardened
    Example Sentence
    • hardened fishermen
    • a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured
    • our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inured

someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH

I NU(knew) that RED iron would *harden* when it cools down and after that it would be *accustomed* to further exposures.

To become INURED you must have ENDURED.

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Someone getting INjURED frequently will get HARDENED and ACCUSTOMED to pain.

mens are born INURED..

in(in) u(ur) red(red).i am used to seein u in red clothes i.e m accustomed..

Whn am In YOu (inured) its hard :P

for the definition: used to accepting something undesirable: "eating rotten food isn't bad - its all "in-ur-'ed". (Cockney English).

inured = "in" + "ur(your)" + "hard" u hav become hard/tough from inside by habitual exposure

in:inside ;ure: manure or urine; able to live inside manure,adapt to hardship

in + ur + bed >>> due to regular sex he is now has HARDENED the sill of Fucking...

if u become IMMUNE to sth u r INURED

you ENDURE getting INJURED

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